A. V. Christie

A.V. Christie is the author of Nine Skies, which won the National Poetry Series, and The Housing, winner of the McGovern Prize and THE WONDERS, a chapbook-length poem and Editor’s Selection by Seven Kitchens Press.

Her poems have appeared in Poetry, Commonweal, AGNI, The Iowa Review, Witness, Poetry Northwest, Prairie Schooner, Crazyhorse and Ploughshares, among other journals. She has work forthcoming in the New Ohio Review, and the Gettsyburg and Georgia Reviews. Christie has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, from the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation, and from the Pennsylvania and Maryland State Arts Councils and has been visiting writer at Villanova and LaSalle Universities, Bryn Mawr College, Goucher College, the University of Maryland, and Penn State Abington. She teaches private workshops and has been a Poet-in-the-Schools for many years.