Laurie Clements Lambeth
Laurie Clements Lambeth grew up in California, from Laguna Beach to Santa Ynez. After receiving a diagnosis of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis at seventeen, she began to write poetry that investigates the individual body’s contour in context with the external world. An avid horsewoman, she rode and trained horses competitively for many years. She holds a BA from Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, and an MFA and PhD from the University of Houston’s creative writing program, where she was awarded a Michener Fellowship and an Inprint Fellowship in Honor of Donald Barthelme. Her poetry has appeared in numerous publications, including The Paris Review, Crazyhorse, Mid-American Review, Seneca Review, Indiana Review, and Alaska Quarterly Review. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in Mid-American Review, where her essay was named Editor’s Choice in their nonfiction competition, in The Iowa Review, and elsewhere. Former Reviews Editor for Disability Studies Quarterly, she is currently at work on her next poetry collection, Bright Pane, as well as a memoir.