William Stobb
William Stobb’s poems chronicle catastrophes of beauty, devastations of laughter–the challenges of full engagement with a world where almost every value is uncertain. In 2001, Stobb’s first collection, a chapbook entitled For Better Night Vision, was commissioned by the Black Rock Press at the University of Nevada. Since then, Stobb’s work has earned national recognition–his 2007 collection earned National Poetry Series selection, and his subsequent full-length volume, 2011’s Absentia, also appeared in the Penguin Poets series. Artifact Eleven, Stobb’s second chapbook with the Black Rock Press, compiles Stobb’s desert fragments and reflections on land art and archaeology.
Stobb has been an active contributor to the poetry community. From 2005-2010, Stobb wrote and produced the poetry podcast “Hard to Say” on miPOradio. He has worked as a poetry editor for Poets & Artists, ISLE, and Conduit, and, as of 2014, Chairs the Wisconsin Poet Laureate Commission.